Making sure you prepare your asphalt or concrete surface for striping services is key to your new paint’s longevity. Taking the time to sweep the area, clear it of any foreign debris will ensure an optimal environment for your needed striping services. You’ll save your provider a lot of time and headaches by preparing your company’s parking lot appropriately. There’s a lot that goes into preparing your asphalt or concrete surface for striping, and in this week’s blog we’ll go over it with you! Let’s begin.
Having a porous, rather than impervious surface, will assure a mechanical substrate bond with the installed stripe. Porous surfaces are also much more environmentally friendly. A dry erase board is a perfect example of a non-porous surface that doesn’t accept striping paint as well. Markings stay on top of the surface to be quickly wiped off whenever one chooses. This is similar to striping on an impervious surface because the paint sits atop the asphalt surface, instead of being absorbed, making the new coat of paint easily exposed to the elements. Preparing a porous surface for repainting is much easier than preparing an impervious surface.
If your parking lot’s surface is too rough, your striping efforts will not last. Smoothing your lot’s surface requires hiring the right road contractor. With the proper equipment, including grinders, drum-style scarifiers, and rotary-style eradicators, they’ll prepare your parking lot surface for striping services. All traces of the previous striping can be easily removed with this professional-grade, industry specific equipment. Make sure you hire the right striping company to deliver the best services for your business.
The restriping area must be clear of all dust and debris before your services begin. In accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations accumulated piles of dust and debris must be removed from a public parking lot surface as a safety measure. Use a vacuum to collect debris and dust before striping your lot. It will save your striping company time, and your job will be completed that much quicker.
Are you in need of striping services in the Central Texas area? Call the experts at Roadway Striping Inc today to get started on your next project. Our expert team can install, repair, and maintain concrete or asphalt in your facility to keep it looking its best. Roadway Striping is your go-to business for all of your construction needs!
Give us a call today 512- 392-4717
We are well-known in the area by numerous general contractors, and both commercial and municipal building owners, as well as churches. If you’re interested in our services or need a quote, give us a call at 512-392-4717! Be sure to follow us on Facebook, and Google+!
Tags: asphalt maintenance, parking lot maintenance, striping
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